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The Life of a Strongwoman: Lucy Underdown

The Life of a Strongwoman: Lucy Underdown

Hey everyone. I'm Lucy Underdown and I am a UK Strongwoman. I'm most well known for holding the World Record deadlift, where I was the first Strongwoman to pull 300kg! I also broke the world record for the most reps at 200kg in 75 seconds, with 18 reps and the most reps with 500lbs (227.5kg) with 12 reps!
Strongwoman is still very much a hobby that I fit in around my day job where I work as a police officer in London. It can be very demanding fitting in my training alongside the police. Luckily I have a lot of support from my colleagues.
I train four days a week and generally try to fit 3 sessions in after work during the week and an events session at the weekend. I can be at the gym for several hours depending on my sessions, so sometimes it is very challenging when I'm working long shifts to get it all in. Training is something I have done since I was a child so it is ingrained into me to still fit my sessions in even when the days have been long!
Nutrition wise it can be quite difficult to always stick to a plan with the hours I can be working, but I have found the key is to make sure I meal prep at the beginning of every week. In general I try to stick to very similar meals during the week to keep consistency and I keep meals very basic.
Breakfast is usually protein oats and peanut butter, and lunch and dinner is chicken thighs with homemade potato wedges with plenty of veg. I also try to fit in a protein shake and blueberry muffins before training to make sure my energy levels are up to scratch for the long sessions!
Despite me writing this I won't lie... I'm not always one to stick to my diet and I do love myself a cheeky takeaway and chocolatey treats... I mean nobody is perfect are they?! 
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