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Our Chosen Charity

Our Chosen Charity

The silverback gorilla has been an inspiration to many for years.

Not only does it feature on our iconic designs, it serves as motivation to push your body to its limits, and inspires many to #walkwiththestrong.

It’s about time we give back to our inspiration.

We've collaborated with WWF on a very exciting new project, the details of which will be revealed over the coming weeks. This partnership will give our athletes and customers a chance to give back to WWF UK, to support a project we believe strongly in.

The main project relating to Gorillas is the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) in the Greater Virunga Landscape, a wildly diverse landscape in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Uganda and Rwanda.

Learn more here. In 1991 WWF co-founded the IGCP. As part of the IGCP, WWF monitor mountain gorillas and support local people in using their natural resources in a sustainable way that doesn’t damage mountain gorilla habitat.

They also try to find ways to reduce people’s need to enter mountain gorilla habitat. For instance, they are developing alternative plantations for wood and charcoal and installing water-harvesting tanks and better sanitation systems.

This eases the pressure on the forests and the risk of people passing on diseases to the gorillas. WWF are also working to promote ecotourism, so people can see the benefit of living alongside mountain gorillas.

For more information about Gorillas, feel free to watch the video below. Keep your eyes on Silverback for upcoming information on this collaboration on our socials and email communications. 

Banner image Copyright Credit: © Shutterstock / Kiki Dohmeier / WWF-UK

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1 comment

  • Absolutely brilliant that you’re supporting the gorillas! I saw them in the wild & they need all the help they can get! Definitely will continue buying your products as before but now knowing that a percentage is going to help these remarkable creatures is wonderful! Well done Silverback!


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